How Do I Enrol My Child?

All children and families are welcome to apply for enrolment at one of our 45 Ñý¾«¶¯Âþ systemic schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay. We welcome enrolments from both Catholic and non-Catholic families who support the ethos of a Catholic education.

Primary School Enrolment Form
Secondary School Enrolment Form

Enrolment Process for Primary School

Enrolment Enquiry (optional)

Parents/Carers are encouraged to complete an enrolment enquiry for one of our primary schools within Ñý¾«¶¯Âþ Broken Bay. Please note that we are unable to accept enquiries more than 3 years before the anticipated school commencement date.

Open Day Tours (optional)

We welcome families to visit our schools during term time for tours or attend one of our school Open Days which commence end of February through to April.


Children enrolling in Kindergarten must reach age 5 by 31 July in the year of commencing school. Whilst most applications for kindergarten are typically made in the year prior to commencement, we do accept applications up to years in advance.; however, offers for acceptance are not made until the year prior to commencement, families wishing to apply for enrolment in years 1-6 are welcomed at any time throughout the year but are subject to our Enrolment Principles and spaces being available.

To apply for one of our primary schools, please complete and submit an Enrolment Application Form and submit it with supporting documentation to your selected primary school.


Following receipt and assessment of an enrolment application, the child/ren and their parents/carers will be invited to attend an interview with the school Principal or their delegate.

Offer and Acceptance

Families whose application is successful will receive a written offer from the school. Parents/Carers will need to accept the offer within the stated timeframe to secure their enrolment.

Orientation / Transition (Kindergarten only)

Orientation days for new Kindergarten students will be held in Term 3 or 4. Many schools also hold information nights for parents in Term 4, or in Term 1 of the year of commencement. Families will receive communication directly from their chosen school regarding the transition into school program.


Your child/ren will start school in their enrolled year and embark on a wonderful journey of Catholic education in Broken Bay!

Enrolment Process for Secondary School

Enrolling from one of our primary to secondary schools is considered a new enrolment and is subject to our Enrolment Principles.

Enquiry (optional)

Parents/Carers are encouraged to complete an enrolment enquiry for one of our secondary schools within Ñý¾«¶¯Âþ Broken Bay. Whilst we are only able to accept applications for enrolment 3 years prior to commencement, enrolment enquiries are welcome at any time.

Open Day Tours (optional)

We welcome families to visit our secondary schools during term time for tours or attend one of our school Open Days which usually commence end of February through to April.


For Year 7 enrolment, applications are welcome up to 3 years prior to commencement (i.e. in Year 4); with offers for acceptance usually made 2 years prior to commencement (i.e. Year 5). Whilst early application to our schools is encouraged, it does not guarantee placement.

We welcome families wishing to apply for years 8-12 at any time throughout the year and all applications will be considered but are subject to spaces being available and our Enrolment Principles.

To apply for one of our schools, please complete and submit an Enrolment Application Form and submit it with supporting documentation to your selected secondary school. *Secondary schools may also require academic results or reports from the previous school.

Note: submission of an application does not guarantee placement in one of our schools. Where spaces are limited, preference is given based on the Catholic School Broken Bay Enrolment Priorities (see below).


Following receipt and assessment of your application, parents/carers alongside your child/ren will be invited to attend an interview with the school Principal or their delegate. To learn about our Enrolment Prioritise see below.

Offer and Acceptance

Successful applicants for enrolment will receive a written offer for enrolment from the school applied to. Parents/Carers will need to accept the offer within the stated timeframe to secure their enrolment.

Orientation / Transition

Orientation days for new Year 7 students usually occur in Term 4 of the preceding year. Many schools also hold information nights for parents in Term 4, or Term 1 of the year of commencement. Families will receive communication directly from their chosen school regarding transition into secondary school.


Your child will commence school in their enrolled year. For Year 7 students, a festival style event (Belong Day) is held early in the year to assist in their transition.

Enrolment Process for Support Classes

Parents of students with disabilities, seeking enrolment in an Eileen O’Connor Catholic School Support Class, are encouraged to enquire through the Eileen O’Connor School Website.

Enrolment Criteria

  • Autism and/or Mild – Moderate Intellectual Disability
  • K-6 in 2025

Application Process

  • Complete the Primary School Enrolment form selecting Eileen O’Connor Catholic School
  • Submit to along with supporting diagnostic reports


Primary School

In response to the increased demand for enrolment in our school system and to provide families with a seamless educational pathway from kindergarten through to Year 12, we have recently updated our Enrolment Principles. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of available places or where distinction in enrolments is required, offers are made and priorities.

  1. Baptised Catholic children of Catholic families of the local designated parish
  2. Siblings of children who are already enrolled in the school.
  3. Baptised Catholic children of Catholic families beyond the local parish.
  4. Children from other Christian traditions, other faith traditions or non- churched backgrounds.

Secondary School

  1. Baptised Catholic children who have attended a CSBB primary school for at least the previous 3 years and have completed the appropriate sacramental programs.
  2. Sibling of children who are already enrolled in the school.
  3. Baptised Catholic and other children who have attended a CSBB primary school for less than 3 years.
  4. Baptised Catholic children from non-CSBB schools.
  5. Children from other Christian tradition, other faith traditions or non-church backgrounds.

Note: Where there are no vacancies at a particular school, parents/carers will be supported by CSBB for enrolment at another CSBB school.

Enrolment Principles